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25th - 26th January 2016

The Garage Theatre Norwich

"They'll crash into the dunes one day; I don't know what good they do"


On a deserted stretch of beach, a middle-aged couple relaxes after a picnic lunch and converses idly about home, family, and their life together. She sketches; he naps. Then, suddenly, they are joined by two sea creatures, a pair of lizards from the depths of the ocean, with whom they engage in a fascinating dialogue. 


The second production from The Florence Company is a hilarious but bittersweet comedy about relationships, aging and what it means to be human from Edward Albee (Who is Afraid of Virginia Woolf). The play was performed at The Garage Theatre in Norwich from the 25th of January to the 26th of January. 

"I found the production to be rife with dedicated performances and atmospheric design that unlocked the beauty and the melancholy of Albee’s play"


         - Jonny Walczak, Concrete Arts Reviewer


Cast and Crew:


Charlie - Sam Briggs

Nancy - Caoimhe Blair

Leslie - Alex McNally

Sarah - Amy Bonar

Movement Directors - Calhan Munday and Jordan Wilkes

Production Manager - Hannah McNally

Executive Producer - Alberto Lais

Director - Ned Caderni

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